Long: Price moves up and indicators move up.
If Fisher is bullish (blue above orange) as well as RVI (green above red) while BTC trades above Middle DC i.e. 20-days EMA. Make sure that the previous trend has been exhausted while the new trend emerges with a volume. Otherwise, market has a tendency to consolidate or move sideways.
Short: Price moves down and indicators move down.
If Fisher is bearish (blue below orange) as well as RVI (green below red) while BTC trades below Middle DC i.e. 20-days EMA. Make sure that the previous trend has been exhausted while the new trend emerges with a volume. Otherwise, market has a tendency to consolidate or move sideways.
Moving Averages
Manually add EMAs (50,100,200).In a bull market, EMAs are stacked in a normal order (50,100,200) whereas in a bear market EMA are stacked in a reverse order (200, 100, 50).
Strategy: Buy the dip in a bull market (50,100,200), sell the top in a bear market (200, 100, 50).
Measure the trend strength (increasing volume with price increase & vice versa). If you find any discrepancy between volume & price rise, mark the trend and see if that is a bullish / bearish divergence. Also draw trend lines to locate up-coming breakouts in advance to price breakout.
You should be able to answer:
- Is the stock rising on a weak volume?
- Is the stock falling on a weak volume?
- Is the stock on sideways and volume is rising or falling?
Here you want to ensure that the momentum is picking up with the price. If the momentum is negative, i.e. trending down, the price will also follow that. Unless you see a divergence at extreme levels follow the trend.Tips:
- STAY NETURAL if Daily RSI is between 40-50 even if other indicators instruct to take a position.
- KST parameters - Turn them half for early calls.
- MACD: Try to use SMI instead of MACD.
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